You are most comfortable in bed, surfing through netflix, or scrolling absentmindedly through social media. But when it’s time to “act” whether it’s chores, getting yourself ready for the day, or a work task, it almost seems hard to move. You begin to notice that your relationships are suffering or have begun dwindling. You want to move, you want to take better care of yourself– but sometimes the numbness takes over.
There is a version of yourself that is getting out of bed feeling at ease and excited about the day. A version of you that enjoys every moment of a trip to the grocery store. You feel alive and joy fills you up as you think of the goals you are in the midst of completing. This is you, this is your life!
This is what therapy can help you achieve. You set the pace and I’ll help you address the issues that are holding you back, whether it’s mental, physical, or spiritual. In therapy, we’ll work on undoing those “bad habits” that tell us to “ignore how you feel and just push it down”. It’s time for you to feel heard and through this validation process be able to release those negative thoughts. Acknowledge, release, and restart the spark in your motivation with counseling.
For some people depression comes and goes. It can be confusing to know if and when to get help because sometimes the cloud lifts and you feel better. If you’ve noticed a pattern or maybe these feelings are new and you are not sure what to do, give me a call and we can talk freely to help guide you to what best steps and resources fit your situation.
Depression and anxiety have similar characteristics and sometimes overlap. Just like anger and sadness tend to have a connection, so do depression and anxiety. Depression can lead to anxiety and anxiety can lead to depression. Counseling can help you sort out what is the root cause.
In therapy we will work on understanding what patterns are connected to your feelings. We will discuss what your thoughts and what your routine is like on a regular basis. Each of these- feelings, thoughts, and behaviors create a pattern in your daily life. By understanding that pattern better we can work to create new patterns and new positive coping skills and behaviors.
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