Find Peace through Holistic Therapy

Online Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

Latina Therapist in San Antonio and throughout Texas

You’re Ready to Say Goodbye to Sadness, Anxiety and Self Doubt

You’ve been hurting for a long time.


Some days you don’t see a way out and it feels like life is collapsing in on you.


But then you remember everything you’ve overcome so far and a part of you knows that you are stronger than this. 


The problem is that when you try facing all the “ick” in your life that voice in the back of your head creeps up again and you find yourself lost and overanalyzing.


You need something to change. 


Sometimes it feels like everything and everyone is collapsing in on you. The relationships in your life leave you feeling drained and doubting your actions. 


But you are tired of being harsh on yourself, confused and unhappy in relationships.


“What am I doing wrong?” No matter the amount of thinking, the sadness and hurt creeps back up to keep your anxiety company. 


And so you’re left alone at the end of the day with your three best friends: sadness, anxiety, and doubt.

Latina Therapist in San Antonio, TX
Julieta Rubio Hobbs, PhD, LPC-S
Holistic Latina Therapist

You Don’t Have to be so Hard on Yourself

It’s time to tap into the version of you that feels confident in her decisions. Let go of the overanalyzing.


As you get to know this “better” version of yourself, you will find that happiness is achievable. You can stop being so hard on yourself. You can have worries and be in control of how your mind and body responds. Managing your anxiety means having the coping skills to be in charge of how you express and release your emotions. 


You will become empowered.


Start taking care of yourself from the inside out. Watch your relationships grow when you start putting yourself first. Lean in and show yourself love.


As you find happiness within, you will find yourself blooming in multiple directions. Letting go of the anxiety opens you up to show up differently in your life. With a guided approach you can achieve better relationships and experiences that don’t end in confusion. 


Lean into nurturing yourself so you can watch yourself bloom into the version of you that’s been laying dormant inside. Become confident and happy.

It Feels Like You’re Missing Something

I know you’ve been trying your hardest.


And it’s not for lack of trying, something just isn’t allowing things to budge. No matter how many positive affirmations, deep breaths, or journal entries you try, you find yourself at the beginning of the maze. 


While you have found some moments of relief through massage, acupuncture, or somatic yoga/exercise at the end of the day you still end up going to bed alone with anxious thoughts.  


You’re used to handling problems on your own. You’re used to fixing everybody else’s problem. But this isn’t going to cut it, you deserve support. You are allowed to ask for help. You don’t have to suffer through this feeling trapped and alone.


While the podcasts and self-help books have taught you a lot, they don’t know the maze you are stuck in and can’t provide you with the tailored approach you seek. 

You Need a Holistic Approach

You want help to address all the different pieces of you.


With a holistic approach you can understand yourself better. We can start by helping you grow your insight. Together we will track down the patterns that are keeping you stuck and change them into positive pathways. By understanding where these patterns came from you can take your power back.


But we won’t stop there. We will go beyond what lies in your mind and give attention to your body and spirit. Your body carries so many emotions for you. It calls out to you when you are stressed with a racing heart, tense shoulders, and uneasy stomach. It’s time to start listening to the signals that your body is giving you and help it ease back into a calm nervous system. 


From calming your mind, rewiring your nervous system, to healing the wounds your spirit has been carrying heavy with sorrow and shame. You don’t have to hurt and you don’t have to hide anymore.

We get to go at your own pace to slowly start releasing the load you have been holding on to using somatic energy healing approaches. You don’t have to relive the pain, you can let go of what is weighing you down. Using somatic approaches like tapping (energy healing) and EMDR, we will help your body and nervous system break down emotional blocks and heal painful memories keeping you stuck. It’s time to break the cycle. 

It’s time to feel seen, heard, and respected in your relationships. 

four people of color gathered together

You can have healthy relationships in your life- with yourself, your family, and a partner. You get to ask for what you need and want in a relationship. 


The time to start feeling more confident in your actions is now. Let go of the sadness and start feeling the peace life has been saving for you. 

Shed the anxiety keeping you trapped in your mind and step into courage and clarity. Develop the courage to say no to a relationship that isn’t working for you. 


Embrace the clarity that awaits you. Take a deep cleansing breath and watch your hurts transform into nothing more but the past. It’s time to be present and enjoy the little things in life. Can you feel it? 

Let’s talk about the details-

I would love to help you on your journey.


My availability is typically between 9:30am and 2pm CST on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We meet weekly for 45-50 minutes to provide you consistent support.


All sessions are held virtually.


Your investment is $175. While it is out of network from insurance, you can use a health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA). 

This change is up to you, you get to decide. 

You can continue running into the same issue, walking through a maze that keeps you from getting anywhere.


You can continue having glimpses of change only to end up feeling stuck, unhappy, and unsure of yourself again. 


Depression and anxiety could draw you back into the loneliness that has become your home, even when you’re surrounded by people. 


While the self-help content brings in rays of hope, the sadness and feelings of unworthiness easily return and overwhelm.


Or you can decide to put yourself first. Do the deep work with a therapist that can help you accept yourself from a place of love, manage your anxiety so you can be more present, and feel respected in your relationships.

You deserve to feel happy and calm. Start saying yes to yourself.